The way Editor-In-Chief of the Mason County Press Rob Alway tells it, you would think Governor Gretchen Whitmer was skulking in the shadows around the state on April 12, 2019, secretly meeting with supporters as if she has something to hide. Governor Gretchen Whitmer was in Ludington today. Did you know that? Probably not. In […]
On Wednesday, March 27, 2019, the entire state of Michigan will participate in a tornado drill to raise awareness about safety during severe weather. Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed the week of March 24th to 30th as Michigan’s Severe Weather Awareness Week to better prepare the state for severe weather emergencies. At one o’clock in the afternoon […]
On February 21, 2019, the office of Attorney General Dana Nessel filed testimony with the Michigan Public Service Commission (MSPC) in Lansing opposing the Upper Peninsula Power Company’s (UPPCO) request for a $10 million raise in electricity rates for the service they provide their customers in the Western Upper Peninsula. Nessel’s filing requested the rate […]
When IRS employees came back to work on January 28, 2019, they faced a backlog of work left undone during the 35 day Trump shutdown. Yes, there were five million pieces of mail waiting for them and more pouring in every day. You probably think those 80,000 people walked into the IRS building, sat down […]
Residents of Michigan who rely on food assistance benefits for nutrition will receive their February benefits early. The release date is January 19, 2019. Anyone not receiving benefits on that day will receive their February benefits on the following week. The USDA authorized states to issue food assistance early due to the Trump government shut […]
The Mason County Democratic Party want to prove there’s more than one way to positively impact their county. They challenged the Mason County Republicans to a canned food drive. Between January 5, 2019, to March 8, 2019, Mason County Democratic Party want to collect food for the Lakeshore Food Club. The losing party will donate […]
We can all get rid of our 2018 hangovers now.
Have a good one.
Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. -Abraham Lincoln
What happens when you’re a two-bit sleazy grifting career politician ranked number two most conservative in the state house but you need fresh money meat to dupe into voting for you, and you fail? Blame everybody but yourself of course! Career political homophobe Gary Glenn (R-No More Foxhole For You!) lost his August 7 primary […]