This is one of those days when Up North Progressive throws 400 words away because everything has changed with the passage of hours instead of days. What’s going on in Northern Michigan can only be described as disgusting. Today the sheriffs of four counties in the northern lower peninsula of Michigan issued a press release […]
Cadillac City Council will consider an ordinance to allow recreational marijuana businesses to hang their shingle in the city tonight at Cadillac City Hall. Recreational marijuana became legal in Michigan after a citizens ballot referendum was approved overwhelmingly by the voters of Michigan in the 2018 election. Provided local cities and townships approve recreational marijuana […]
Remember: If they don’t have a warrant SIGNED BY A JUDGE it is not valid!
Up North Progressive enjoys receiving comments from readers. Sometimes they are messages of appreciation and support for the content. Sometimes they are messages full of vitriol from conservatives for telling the truth. There are even times when readers make threats because they really hate the truth. Once in a while, a reader leaves a comment […]
The hunt begins!