Crib Fit For a Judge: The Curious Case of Judge Glancy’s Lake County Home

Friday , 5, July 2024 2 Comments

Occasionally, the Up North Progressive receives a tip from a reader about strange things happening with political candidates. This time, the tip is about a candidate for probate judge in Lake County and the case of his home address.

David M. Glancy is the current Probate Court Judge of Lake County. He was appointed to the position by Governor Gretchen Whitmer on April 26, 2023, after the retirement of Judge Mark Wickens. In 2024, he’s running for a full term as Lake County Judge.

On January 19, 2023, David Glancy purchased a property in eastern Lake County. The address for this property is 10211 East 16th Street. According to the website, this is Judge Glancy’s new home:

The property is described as a one-bedroom, one-bath, 600-square-foot cabin on 2.5 acres. That’s not much living space for a judge. This could be a weekend cabin to get away from it all. So many houses in Lake County are vacation homes; the only school district in Lake County is an out-of-formula district.

However, evidence suggests Judge David Glancy is also registered to vote at 10211 East 16th Street, which would make this cabin in the woods his primary residence:

So, does a county probate judge live in this three-season cabin full-time?

You can’t help but notice Judge Glancy in the image above wearing a wedding band. This 2014 Ludington Daily News article interviewed Glancy when he was a candidate living in Amber Township with his wife and two children and running for office—this time, for 51st Circuit Court Judge. He also coached the swimming team for Ludington Community Schools.

You may be thinking, “Has the reader who gave Up North Progressive the tip about Judge Glancy ever met him or his family? Sadly, the answer is no. In fact, since the autumn of 2022, when the cabin was put on the market, it’s been highly tranquil. No one visits this property, even on weekends.

This is a remarkably undisturbed driveway, disturbing for a judge who lives and votes from this address.

Stay tuned. There could be more.

2 thoughts on “ : Crib Fit For a Judge: The Curious Case of Judge Glancy’s Lake County Home”
  • […] have been new developments in the case of the Lake County probate judge who lives in a 600-square-foot […]

  • Robert says:

    This is what you get when a desperate politician that is also a Democrat wants control. Glancy is hinging his bets the Lake county residents are not smart enough to find out thetruth about his lies.

  • Greetings, friend! I love comments and read every one of them.