The AR-15 Deserves the Stigma

Wednesday , 19, June 2024 Leave a comment

Only days after yet another mass shooting happened in Michigan, this time at a water park in Rochester Hills, state media reported a dozen Republicans in Lansing sponsored a bill to make the AR-15 the official state rifle.

Adopting state emblems began in the late 19th century. Michigan adopted the apple blossom in 1897. Over time, the robin became the state bird, the white pine became the state tree, and the Petosky stone became the state stone. Today, Michigan has a state fossil, the mastodon, a state soil, Kalkaska sand, and, in 2023, a state grain, manoomin, or wild rice.

Residents of Michigan choose symbols because they are significant to the history and culture of the state. This is true for all states. What is substantial culturally or historically about the AR-15 in Michigan? If you consider the assault rifle itself, absolutely nothing.

Ten states in the United States have firearms as official state symbols. Most of the guns have historical significance or are manufactured in the state. Utah was the first to adopt, but not everyone in the state legislature was happy with the adoption.

The AR-15 isn’t manufactured in Michigan. It has no historical significance, and it is not a symbol that unifies the people of Michigan; it does just the opposite.

The AR-15 is the phallic compensator of choice for the gravy seals, y’allqada, and ammosexuals of Michigan. You know, these idiots:

Republicans sponsoring this bill do not want to unify the state with a new official symbol. This is a dog whistle to the weekend warriors.

This bill has no chance of reaching the House floor for a vote. The audacity of introducing a bill to add the AR-15 to the same list as the white pine, the Petoskey stone, and the apple blossom when we have a mass shooting as recently as four days ago shows the Republican party’s lack of empathy for Michigan. The cruelty is the point. Read the list of sponsors. Find out who is running against them. Vote for their opponents on August 6th and November 5th.

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