The X Space Where It Happened: @MIGOP Endgame Agenda For Trans Michiganders

Monday , 29, January 2024 1 Comment

While most Michiganders were looking forward to the Detroit Lions playing in the NFC championship game last weekend, some of our elected representatives spent their time on Twitter Spaces discussing how to deny life-saving medical care to trans youth (and adults) in Michigan. A state representative from Ohio and a de-transitioning person named Prisha talked about the dangers of youth transitioning and the money-hungry doctors and clinics preying on the innocent to provide that care.

Prisha told their story in helping get the anti-trans law passed. Michigan state reps added their commentary and asked questions.

Josh Schriver (R – Endgame guy) was the first to speak. He immediately demanded the ban on gender-affirming care to include adults.

My whole thing is, in terms of endgame, why are we allowing these practices for anyone? Why would we stop this for anyone under 18, but not apply this for anyone over 18? It’s harmful across the board, and I think that’s something that we need to take into consideration in terms of the endgame.

If you’re not familiar with him, Josh Schriver represents the new 66th State House District in Macomb County. So far this year, he’s vowed to have all religions, not conservative evangelical Christianity, stripped of their tax-exempt status, insists God elected him, not the voters, and tried to hand Governor Whitmer a bible last week at the State of the State Address. He’s a big fan of Nick Fuentes.

Gary Click (R – Jungle Journalism) is the Ohio State rep who spearheaded the trans ban law in Ohio. He praised Schriver for his “very smart thinking” but then suggested that “we need to take small bites,” meaning we need to ban access for people under 18 before we include adults. Click mentions, however, that with the closing of gender care clinics, adult trans patients also lose access to the medications they need. He talks about how this was an unintended positive outcome of the trans ban law and finishes with the statement, “Puberty is the cure for gender dysphoria.” Click is a church pastor who became infamous when offering a prayer at a Trump rally where he asked God to protect Trump from the evils of jungle journalism.

100 State House Rep Tom Kunse(R – Ask me about HB 4080) asked Click what was the timeline? Was this a two-year fight or a five-year fight? Click explained the process started before he was elected and that it took about three years. Tom Kunse thinks fetuses need tax-exempt status. He tried to steal land from Isabella County in 2006 and is currently under investigation for his part in a 25 million-dollar health clinic construction deal. Before taking office in Lansing, his family’s real estate business sold land to developers.

Michigan State Senator Lana Theis of the 22nd State Senate district was the last to speak. She touted her bachelor’s degree in biology as giving her expertise in how youth brains are still developing and, therefore, unable to comprehend what they’re going through as they mature fully.

Theil insists parents of trans children are also victims. A cosmetic surgeon friend of hers confided in her that gender transition surgery is just cosmetic and provides no fulfillment. She ends her comments by saying young people with gender dysphoria must be told:

You were born in the correct body. You were perfect the way you were born. Let’s work with making you okay with it.

Lana Theil is one of the loudest voices in the state senate working to kill the Gotion factory deal and calls her co-workers pedophile groomers.

Brad Paquette (R – really has pronoun issues) hosted the online meeting. He thanked everyone for being there and then promised Josh Schriver they would talk about the good stuff offline before signing off.

Find people to run for office in your districts. Suppose the Republicans somehow manage to take over the state house or senate despite the infighting, dueling party chairs, and bankrupting themselves. In that case, the Ohio trans-ban bill will migrate north to Lansing. The endgame is the final solution.

One thought on “ : The X Space Where It Happened: @MIGOP Endgame Agenda For Trans Michiganders”
  • […] 6, 2025, will go down as a busy day for Republican State House Rep Tom, a two-year or five-year fight Kunse. In typical Republican fashion, ole Tommy Boy sent mixed messages about supporting Michigan […]

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