“I was only following orders” Didn’t Work at the Nuremberg Trials and it Doesn’t Work Now @GOPChairwoman Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel

Monday , 30, November 2020 Leave a comment

GOP Chairwoman Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel admitted what we’ve known all along. She lied for four years because that’s what Pants Shitter in Chief Donald Trump wants her to do.

You know what, fuck you!

13.5 million people are infected with COVID-19 but you lied to keep the Fat Orange Bitch happy.

267,000 people are DEAD because you lied to keep the Fat Orange Bitch happy.

You are everything the Republican Party stands for today: No ethics, integrity, honesty, or morals.

All of the lies you’ve tweeted, emailed and said these past four years and do you have any remorse at all with your responsibility to the damage done to this country by Trump?

Of course not, part of the perks of being a Republican is having your conscience sucked out of your cranium along with empathy and compassion.

Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel like every other Republican checked her humanity at the door. Now that Trump’s days of soiling the upholstery in the White House are numbered she’ll admit she’s a liar.

Which is the same as admitting you’re a Republican.

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