These are the tough questions Betsy “Cruella” DeVos or Donald “Dick Cheney Finger Puppet” Trump never considered when making threats to open the schools or the kids get no money. The following is a copy-paste with permission to share as much as possible.
- If a teacher tests positive for COVID-19 are they required to quarantine for 2-3 weeks? Is their sick leave covered, paid?
- If that teacher has 5 classes a day with 30 students each, do all 150 of those students need to then stay homes and quarantine for 14 days?
- Do all 150 of those students now have to get tested? Who pays for those tests? Are they happening at school? How are the parents being notified? Does everyone in each of those kids’ families need to get tested? Who pays for that?
- What if someone who lives in the same house as a teacher tests positive? Does that teacher now need to take 14 days off of work to quarantine? Is that time off covered? Paid?
- Where is the district going to find a substitute teacher who will work in a classroom full of exposed, possibly infected students for substitute pay?
- Substitutes teach in multiple schools. What if they are diagnosed with COVID-19? Do all the kids in each school now quarantine and get teste? Who is going to pay for that?
- What if a student in your kid’s class tests positive? What if your kid tests positive? Does every other student and teacher have been around quarantine? Do we all get notified who is infected and when? Or because of HIPAA regulations are parents and teachers just going to get mysterious “may have been in contact” emails all year long?
- What is this stress going to do to our teachers? How does it affect their health and well-being? How does it affect their ability to teach? How does it affect the quality of education they are able to provide? What is it going to do to our kids? What are the long-term effects of consistently being terrified?
- How will it affect students and faculty when the first teacher in their school dies from this? The first parent of a student who brought it home? The first kid?
- How many more people are going to die, that otherwise would not have if we had stayed home longer?”
Betsy says it’s time for parents to stop being selfish and think about the economy. Billionaires need us to make the sacrifice for their bottom line. Trump says other countries (unlike the US, actually adopted strict guidelines to bring the virus into check so life could get back to normal) are sending kids back to school so we can too (no, we can’t).
That’s the way, threats always work.
Cases on the rise, masks are mandatory, we’re likely going to be in another lockdown soon.This time there won’t be any trumpbux. That sweet extra $600 per week unemployment payment ends in 9 days.
But sure, let’s send the kids back to school and put people at risk of dying.
Greetings, friend! I love comments and read every one of them.