Shell Game The CSA Way: Chuck and Maria’s Partners Properties

Monday , 14, October 2019 2 Comments


The best thing with sharing warm and fuzzy stories about Michigan’s for-profit charter schools and the hi-jinks they get themselves into is when a voice in the crowd is eager to share their experiences. Up North Progressive early this morning received an anonymous comment.

Some time in the mid-2000’s Chuck wanted to build a new school building so the high school and middle school grades could have their own space, and asked parents to donate funds to buy land on Taylor Road in Brighton. The company Chuck Stockwell and partner Maria Dockins set up for this real estate deal was called Partners Properties.

That’s easy enough to verify. A quick search on LARA will show if this company exists or ever did. If you have never used LARA to look up a person or business, give it a try. It’s fun to see what pops up.

As for Partners Properties, there isn’t a single listing for it. There are six of them.

Partners Properties LLC through Partners Properties Five LLC all list Maria Dockins as the resident agent. Some of the articles of incorporation are signed by Stockwell, Some of them are signed by Dockins. Partners Properties LLC was incorporated in 2007, so that could be the shell company anonymous says was created to buy the land on Taylor Road.

Except we know a new high/middle school for CSA was never built there. That school is currently the building renovated by Corrigan Construction on 1032 Karl Greimel Drive.

A former R & D facility? Neat.

The other Partners Properties LLC’s were registered after that, with the most recent one, Partners Properties Five LLC, registered in 2017. You can see handwritten on the Articles of Incorporation document in Article II the words “Real estate holding company.”

Could this Partners Properties Five LLC be the shell company created to buy land on Brighton Interior Drive, wait for Chuck Stockwell to beg parents to open their wallets, then announce instead of breaking ground the new middle school would be across the street from the existing CSPA?

What were Partners Properties Two through Four for?

Thank you anonymous for your enlightening comment. CSA’s Chuck Stockwell has quite a shell game going on with parents who send their children to his schools believing he founded CSA because he cared about kids.

2 thoughts on “ : Shell Game The CSA Way: Chuck and Maria’s Partners Properties”
  • Anonymous says:

    Keep digging. Maria worked with Steve and Chuck back when they were business partners. She has been instrumental in the formation of numerous shell companies in a variety of venues with the main theme around education – always quick to do the bidding of the owners. Partner’s Properties is only one of many, many, many. From iTeach in the 90’s to private schools – Strive Center for Autism – Brighton, to their daycare centers, the money jumps from their legitimate schools to their private holdings. A huge money maker for them is Partner’s Solutions. An HR company that only the upper echelon have an investment in (check out Carlie Lockwood). But that’s a whole new story for a different time. It’s easy to get rich when you have too many companies for even the IRS to follow. Hiring Maria’s comptroller sister to funnel the money was not a bad move either! Looking forward to reading more about what you find. Maybe – finally – we can stop them in their tracks. It’s their schools and employees that suffer while they get richer and richer. Happy digging!

    • Up North Progressive says:

      iTeach is going back to Livingston Developmental Academy with soon to be sprung felon Dr. Steve Ingersoll. After finding all of the shell companies he had to funnel millions of dollars around it’s not surprising but still mind-numbing just how many of these shell companies these people register with the state to move the money around until no one knows where it goes. Where is the stable of accountants to manage all of these companies? That’s a lot of company debit cards to keep track of. Thanks for the comments!

  • Greetings, friend! I love comments and read every one of them.