Miss Fortune found me last spring when Up North Progressive published the first article about Steve Ingersoll and his for-profit charter school scam on the state of Michigan. This blog focused on methodology, their approach to special education services (Everyone’s a visual learner), and the fact that the same vision therapy used in his schools is used by his daughter in her chiropractic practice in Idaho. Vision therapy cures ADHD, Autism and your tax dollars are paying for this through his vision therapy clinics through out the state of Michigan, cleverly disguised as schools.
Miss Fortune’s blog, Glistening, Quivering Underbelly focuses on the financial scam in which Steve Ingersoll has been indicted. This is the story Dick and Betsy DeVos, GLEP, and the rest of the for-profit charter school supporters don’t want you to know about. So far except for the news mentioning Ingersoll’s indictment in April, there has been no state or national coverage.
There is no better reason to vote Rick Snyder out of office in November. He lifted the cap on the number of charter schools in Michigan allowed to open and the grift in Michigan has grown. Take the time to read Miss Fortune’s excellent coverage of Steve Ingersoll, the truth behind for-profit charter schools and the waste of taxpayer money they really are.
Steve Ingersoll should be national news.
So grateful to you for making sure people don’t forget what a slimmy snake ingersoll is and how many lives he screwed with. He better get jail time, or this former teacher/emplyee is gonna be seriously let down and disappointed in the justice system.
Thank you, Kelly, for your excellent work exposing Steven Ingersoll’s IVL snake oil.