This list is courtesy of Mark Sleep. Please share.
Courtesy of Mark Sleep
[…] governor. Poisoning the people of Flint then lying he knew nothing about it ranks at the top of horrible things Snyder is known for. Let’s not forget forcing Detroit into bankruptcy so capitalists could grab […]
The devil will now reign over you for 4 more years…Eat that Dems. HAHAHAHAHA
Are you 2 years old? Photo shopping him into the devil…VERY desperate….
You must be out of the loop with the fact checking related to this campaign. Not only on a state level, but federal. Shame on you for preaching propaganda!
Thanks for update, don’t worry he’s not getting my vote. We have to protect our teachers! & our childen’s education, privatizing is too costly mistake.
1) Business tax cuts: hopefully it will make up for the minimum wage hike so that small employers won’t have to cut staff.
2) Do you mean Steyler? Bloomberg? Zuckerburg? Or is it only bad when the Koch brothers donate secretly?
3) Yes Allen Park, Detroit and other cities voted in their local government, but all Michigan residents will pay the price for the mismanagement of those cities.
4) Is it wrong to pay competitive wages? One will push to force a business to pay $10/hour for unskilled labor, yet begrudge raises to skilled professionals?
5) More money was put into the education budget, it’s the teacher’s pensions that are eating up the money.
6) Absolutely. The current public school system is a monopoly and is not working.
7) Public services creates public servants which (unlike most workers) still get public pensions. It is wrong to leave the next generation with the staggering pension cost and privatizing some services is a way to help.
8) Agree. But the fed decreases left less to share.
9) My husband was freed from the forced membership to a union. He had no choice to join or to pay. Unions are monopolies with compulsory membership and dues collections. “Right to Work” gave back civil rights to many hard working Michiganders.
10) My mom’s 401k and IRA is taxed. All of her friends pay taxes on their retirement savings except the retired school teacher. She didn’t pay taxes on the contributions to her pension and she doesn’t pay them now (she was over 65 when law passed). Why should a select group of people not pay taxes.
11) EIC is a federal tax rebate paid by the IRS.
12) That was part of his revenue increases.
13) Bring on the lawsuits if that is true. Definitely believe that adherence to 3 branch government is key.
14) MEA is the largest and most powerful lobbyist in Michigan. Passing the “right to work” was giving its many forced members freedom, and that is not petty.
15) A federal judge in a federal court will determine the outcome of those pensions. Federal law trumps state law.
16) I still think he’s Snyder’s secret lover, but don’t quote me on that.
17) So did that send people onto federal extended benefits earlier, easing Michigan’s financial burden?
18) Yes he signed a bill that was passed by congress. (but refused to sign the bill restricting abortion insurance to woman and is on board with extending the Elliot Larsen to include GLBT)
19) For years small town school superintendent would have to match wits with a power-team of professional negotiators hired by the MEA. It’s about time that the playing field was leveled.
20) Really? Snyder is the biggest “non-politician” out there. He really is just an accountant making the best with where Michigan is at.
21) Both parties do that after a census if they can and that should stop.
22) In 15-20 years, we will not have to pay pensions on those contract workers (hopefully they have contributed into a 401k like the rest of us).
23) “Suspicious”… Maybe you should have stuck with 22 reasons.
No one was ever FORCED to join a union.. If you chose to work at a job where your wages and benefits were gained by union negotiations, then you should pay your dues…the key to it all is that you chose to work there, you were not forced.. I’m sure your husband enjoyed the wages and benefits, but now has the right to be a freeloader.. All pensions are taxed because of this law, not just public sector employees.. IRS’s, 401’s and annuities are funded by pretaxed monies and they were only taxed when they were taken out early… You should really learn the difference between a “Defined Benefit” and a “Defined Contribution ” plan before making statements like they are facts..
Here are some facts…unemployment is worse since Snyder took cutting unemployment benefits people fall off the rolls faster and that means less people on record as unemployed.. Even with that the numbers are still worse..
We are in the top 5 worse states for new job creation.. Where are all these companies flowing in because of right to work? They never made their way to Oklahoma or Indiana… It’s a lie..
Fact… People who live in States with little to no union density make an average of 30% less wages and benefits…
The citizens of Michigan overwhelming voted down the EFM proposal, by more than 2 to 1 and the out of control state house and state senate, both under Republican control, decided the people got it wrong and rammed it thru during the same lame duck session as right to work and Snyder joyfully signed it…both referendum proof..
Btw.. You have 17 completely wrong as well, another example of knowing nothing while proclaiming to know it all.. The fact is, the cut also reduced the federal extension and the 6 weeks turned into much more.. While we’re at it… What federal extensions..?
I would really like to take these points viral with some people who are yet undecided. But, I am sure the image of Snyder will be a real turn off to them. Why do this? Any chance there is a copy of the points without an image that would offend those not already decided against Snyder?
Pension taxed a measly amount..who are you kidding. It cost me cost to $2,000. That’s a boat load of money when your income is fixed. The tax after I retired and planned out my budget. Okay if I do that to you? This governor is slimy just like the Bolger and his cronies. Recalling the election he helped fix on the west side of the state with a phony candidate.
To the 30 year old tax payer. What mades you think that we whiny cry baby OLD people haven’t paid taxes must longer than a snotty know it all “kid”. If you weren’t born from an egg (which would explain your cold-blooded generalization about us “old” people) then someone is unfortune enough to have to claim you as a relative. Maybe your parents and/or grandparents are whiny cry babies but that is not the case of myself or of any of my retired or working friends who are over thirty by at least forty years. Walk in our shoes for another 40 years. Hopefully you grandchildren will not be as disrespectful.
That 30 year old will pay taxes on his retirement for his existence and pension holders were not. He would have still been paying for your use of state and city services with his taxes from retirement while we had to listen to you cry about your pension being taxed. Stop crying about having to do what the other 90 percent of the nation has to do. You union tools are truly your own worst enemy.
Up North
So you are saying that the opponents of Snyder and his cohorts don’t have secret contributions? You aren’t suggesting that only Republicans have PACs and committees are you? Yes there are VERY valid points to not vote for Snyder, but let’s not live behind rainbow colored glasses. The opponents have just as many dirty little secrets they hide as well. So please don’t ride the high horse of ” You want to have a liar for governor?” Look at each and every Governor we have had in the last 50yrs and prove that Snyder is the only “Liar”. Otherwise you are grandstanding to make YOUR choice look better.
Where are the 23 reasons not to vote for him? I just see a bunch of reasons to put him back in office.
And let us not forget his signature on HB5711, regulates abortion clinics as hospital operating rooms, requires doctors to screen women for coercion before providing abortions, and bans telemedicine to prescribe first-trimester medication abortions. The bill also regulates the disposal of fetal remains after abortions.
Most of his ads are MISLEADING
Please articulate “which ads” are misleading so we can respond
How do I get permission to repost this at my blog? Please and thanks.
I don’t think the person would mind; this is too important.
Cut and Past the whole page. 😉
That should be paste. ;-\