This list is courtesy of Mark Sleep. Please share.
- 1.8 billion in tax cuts to businesses that had to be made up elsewhere.
- (3) secret funds whose donors were unknown and what they were for.
- EFM change that gave dictator like power to an unelected official. When voters voted against it they changed the law slightly and passed it again but tacked an appropriations bill on it to make it referendum proof.
- Huge pay raises to some people
- Huge cuts to public schools
- Pushing to privatize schools
- Pushing to privatize services
- Cuts in revenue sharing to cities and communities.
- Right to Work law that let’s non paying members freeload off dues paying members (An attempt to destroy unions and weaken their finances and ability to voice workers concerns thru the political process)
- Taxing pensions
- Cuts to the Earned Income Credit
- Cuts to the Homestead Property Tax credit
- Passing most laws under “Immediate Effect” in violation of State Constitution
- Petty paybacks against teacher’s union
- Violating State Constitution by not protecting Detroit employee pensions
- Secret Right Hand Man Richard Baird
- Reduced Unemployment weeks from 26 to 20
- Passed smaller Minimum Wage hike in order to stop a petition drive to put a Minimum Wage increase on the ballot.
- Weakening bargaining rights for pubic sector unions bypassing laws that place limitations on bargaining and benefits.
- A.L.E.C and Dick DeVos controlled
- Gerrymandering of voting Districts
- The Aramark food service fiasco.
- Suspicious State furniture contract to relative.
Courtesy of Mark Sleep